About Us

As our "Welcome!" post from 2013 stated, the Friends of Tanzania was initiated in the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts by the parishes of All Saints Brookline, Grace, North Attleborough, and Trinity Melrose in 2008. Bishop Tom Shaw developed an interest as well, and was part of the 2013 trip from Massachusetts to the Diocese of Tanga (Anglican Church of Tanzania). Since that time, due in large part to the deep commitment of Dr. Colin Johnstone, the partnership has grown from an informal group working with individual institutions to a relationship between the Diocese of Massachusetts and the Diocese of Tanga. 

Friendship and support of this partnership has not been limited to those in the founding parishes nor even to those in the Diocese of Massachusetts. In the past, Episcopalians in the dioceses of Texas and Fort Worth have been involved. Others, acquainted through other ties, have accompanied us from outside the church. More recently, in 2017, a group from the Diocese of Massachusetts and the Diocese of Ohio, including diocesan bishops Alan Gates and Mark Hollingsworth, traveled together to the Diocese of Tanga for a joint visit. 

Working together to support the parishes, schools, hospitals, and other institutions in the Anglican Church in Tanzania, especially those in the Diocese of Tanga, we strive to develop a deeper friendship between our communities. Living into our identities as children of God and members of the Body of Christ, we seek to build relationship across the borders and boundaries that divide the human family of God.

 Bishop Maimbo Mndolwa (Bishop of the Diocese of Tanga and (soon to be) Primate of the Anglican Church in Tanzania) wrote, “We, in Tanga, and our friends in Massachusetts are aware of the divisions in the Anglican Communion, but… are both determined to pursue all possible efforts for peace and reconciliation. We may have started out at different places on the theological and cultural spectra, but we are pursuing the same goals.” Our work together is a tangible sign of our pursuit of a common vision.

We members of the Diocese of Massachusetts, alongside our friends in Ohio and beyond, hope to support the Diocese of Tanga in its effort to alleviate structural poverty through education and improved health. In this blog, we share some of that work.

"And we humbly beseech thee, O heavenly Father, so to assist us with thy grace, that we may continue in that holy fellowship, and do all such good works as thou hast prepared for us to walk in."
(post-communion prayer, Rite I, BCP p. 339)

In common prayer, together and across the miles, we seek God and God's wisdom, assured that we will see Christ more deeply as we grow to see his face in each other.

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